
Small package for toggling everything on everywhere.



<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/amirHossein5/dropy@1/dist/dropy.min.js"></script>

CDN that includes all of the modules(e.g, events):

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/amirHossein5/dropy@1/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

Finally specify toggler selector:


Dropy toggles target element(s) based on data-is-open which located on toggler.

toggler is something that closes/opens target(s).


After you specified the toggler selector, it’s time to specify the target. There are two ways to define the target, first: adding toggler-target attribute on the sibling of toggler,

    <button toggler>toggle it!</button>
    <section toggler-target>will be toggle</section>

Or you can specify target via data-target:

    <button toggler data-target="#target">toggle it!</button>

<section id="target">will be toggle</section>

If you want to target be open on the first load, add data-open=true to toggler:

<button toggler data-open="true">toggle it!</button>


dropy options and their defaults:

dropy(togglerSelector, {
    onInit: (target, toggler, isOpen) => {}, // opening/closing target(s) based on isOpen
    onOpen: (target, toggler) => {}, // opening target(s) is your responsible
    onClose: (target, toggler) => {}, // closing target(s) is your responsible

    inited: (target, toggler, isOpen) => {},
    opened: (target, toggler) => {},
    closed: (target, toggler) => {},

    closeOnClickOut: true,
    closeOnAnotherTogglerClicked: true,
    syncTogglers: false,

Dropy Scopes

When you are using dropy('[toggler]'), the selector of [toggler] is the scope of dropy. It means when you are using closeOnAnotherTogglerClicked: true, it just affects on togglers which have same selector of([toggler]).

For example when you want to use two different accordions with same toggler selector of dropy('[accordion-toggler]'), when an first accordion item is open, it can be close by second accordion buttons, because the togglers are in the same scope and closeOnAnotherTogglerClicked just affects on this scope. So it is better to use different scopes for different parts:

    <!-- first accordion -->
        <button first-accordion-toggler>open first</button>
        <section toggler-target>first text</section>
        <button first-accordion-toggler>open second</button>
        <section toggler-target>second text</section>

    <!-- second accordion -->
        <button second-accordion-toggler>open first</button>
        <section toggler-target>first text</section>
        <button second-accordion-toggler>open second</button>
        <section toggler-target>second text</section>

    dropy('[first-accordion-toggler]', {
        closeOnClickOut: false,
    dropy('[second-accordion-toggler]', {
        closeOnClickOut: false,

Syncing Togglers

When using this option, closeOnAnotherTogglerClicked option won’t affect anymore.

When a toggler is being open/close, another togglers will also become open/close, it’s useful when you want to keep sync togglers with eachother.

For example this simple menu which has two togglers:

<button menu-toggler data-target="#menu">opens the menu</button> ...

<section id="menu">
    <button menu-toggler data-target="#menu">closes the menu</button>

    dropy('[menu-toggler]', {
        syncTogglers: true,

When menu becomes open, the data-is-open attribute of button which closes the menu, becomes sync(true) with open button. and vice versa, when closing menu with close button, the open button will becomes sync(false) with close button.

Responsive Design

There are some breakpoints by defaults:

Breakpoint prefix Minimum width CSS
sm 640px @media (min-width: 640px) { … }
md 768px @media (min-width: 768px) { … }
lg 1024px @media (min-width: 1024px) { … }
xl 1280px @media (min-width: 1280px) { … }
2xl 1536px @media (min-width: 1536px) { … }
<!-- on md is close, below md is open -->
<button toggler data-md-open="false" data-open="true">...</button>
<!-- on lg is open, on md is close, below md is open -->
<button toggler data-lg-open="true" data-md-open="false" data-open="true">...</button>

By default data-open is false, so don’t need to write it:

<!-- up md is open -->
<button toggler data-md-open="true" data-open="false">...</button>

<!-- up md is open -->
<button toggler data-md-open="true">...</button>

Customazing Breakpoints

Before using dropy use config, and for Overriding the defaults:

    screens: {
        xs: '576px',
        md: '960px',

Overriding a single screen:

    screens: {
        md: '960px',

Adding new breakpoints:

    screens: {
        '3xl': '1600px',


If you didn’t include all modules:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/amirHossein5/dropy@1/dist/dropyListeners.min.js"></script>

Event dropy.open for opening, and dropy.close for closing targets:

    new CustomEvent('dropy.open', {
        detail: {
            togglerSelector: '.example[toggler]',

    new CustomEvent('dropy.close', {
        detail: {
            togglerSelector: '.example[toggler]',

Also you can close or open it yourself via open and close functions:

    new CustomEvent('dropy.open', {
        detail: {
            open: (target, toggler) => {},
            togglerSelector: '.example[toggler]',

    new CustomEvent('dropy.close', {
        detail: {
            close: (target, toggler) => {},
            togglerSelector: '.example[toggler]',
